
igeazle portable/travel desk
It can be used in a variety of settings; its applications are endless.

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  • Brain Fogginess, Gas and Bloating Are Linked to the use of Probiotic and Metabolic Acidosis

    Probiotic use can result in a significant accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine that can result in disorienting brain fogginess as well as rapid, significant belly bloating, investigators report. Source:
    Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
  • Mom’s Microbiome and Autism Risk

    The microbiome is the collection of microorganisms that naturally live inside us. The microbiome has vital importance to good health. According to a new publication by researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, autism risk is determi...
  • Geazle STEM Platform

    Geazle STEM Platform connects scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians (STEMers). In addition, Geazle is open to anyone that is curious about STEM.
  • Coffee Protects the Heart with the Help of Mitochondria

    By Milton Bertrand
    Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world; it is estimated with a yearly world average consumption of 1.1 kg per capita, which reaches 4.5 kg in industrialized countries [1]. More recently, caffeine consumptio...
  • Triclosan and Antibiotic Resistance

    By Milton Bertrand
    Triclosan is a common ingredient that is added to more than 2000 personal care products. It is intended to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. These products include toothpaste, hand wash, deodorants, mouthwashes, ...
  • The Black Panther and STEM

    By Milton Bertrand
    The Black Panther and STEM
    As STEMers, we should seize the opportunity to stimulate interest in STEM. The movie Black Panther provides a unique opportunity for educators, professionals and students to see STEM and approac...
  • What we need to know about the new technology dubbed "Duplex"

    Duplex is a new technology by Google that aims to carry out natural-sounding conversations so that Google's virtual assistant can accomplish tasks over the phone on users' behalf. During Google's annual conference for developers, the company showed off...
  • Mice remain slim on high fat diet

    In a publication in Molecular Metabolism, Danish researchers say that they have discovered a way to keep weight off while eating a high fat diet. To do this they genetically delete the enzyme NAMPT in fat tissue of mice, and such deletion renders the a...
  • Alcohol and Cancer: Alcohol Consumption Increases Cancer Risk by Damaging DNA

    Alcohol can damage the liver, cause pancreatitis and increase the risk of developing 7 different types of cancer. But it hasn’t been clear exactly how alcohol causes cancer.
    According to a new research study published in Nature, scientists ...
  • Learning

    Learning is the best investment we can make of our time; we hope this new year will do just that. An investment in learning pays the greatest interest.

    Dedicate yourself to constant learning
    The more you do and the better you will be
    Understand th...