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Mathematical Equations hidden tools of our imagination

As Humans our life could have been far more complex without tools. In ancient time, stone axes brought us our food; the discovery of the telescope expanded our horizon to see the universe far beyond our physical location; today we become very dependent on our smart phone. The question is what if our imagination is in possession of the most important tools rather than physical tools?
Indeed, without these imaginary tools modern technologies would have been very difficult to achieve; the basic understanding of ourselves, and the rest of the universe could have been very challenging. In fact, these tools are the mathematical equations that rule the world. It is to some extent impossible to name all the equations that make possible the many things we take for granted. The wave equation that makes talking, using the internet possible. Wave is ubiquoutous; therefore, we have been bombarded constantly by it. It was not until the 1700s John Bernoulli and others used Newton's law of motion to better understand it. A better undertanding of wave lead us to to the discovery of radio. Although these tools do not exist in the physical world, they underlie much of modern technologies, from radio, power generation, electronic devices, musical instruments, and so on. The following are some of the mathematical equations that influence our daily life.  
  • James Clerk Maxwell's four equations on electromagnetisism
  • Navier Stokes equation that describes how air flows over and around it.
  • Newton's law of motion and gravity which help in the geopositioning of satelites and set their orbits.
  • The wave equation that allows us to listen to live broadcasting over the radio and so on.
  • In 1807, Joseph Fourier devised an equation for heat flow. The result is the Fourier's transform; an equation that treats a time varying signal as the sum of series of component sine curves and calculate their amplitudes and frequencies.
Of course, there are more equations; we are sailing on a hidden ocean of mathematical equations. In the absense of these equations  modern technologies would have not been developed.
