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A Plum that can make you thin?

  Research in Australia claims that the Queen garnet a Plum variety from Queensland can make you thin. If one is from Australia, like me, one would enjoy a variety of plums in summer. I especially love the sweet variety Prunus salicina als...

Two experimental DNA vaccines to preven...

Two experimental DNA vaccines to prevent Ebola virus and the closely related Marburg virus are safe, and generated a similar immune response in healthy Ugandan adults as reported in healthy US adults earlier this year. The findings are from the first t...


BY MILTON BERTRAND Thermoelectric effect is a direct conversion of temeperature differences to create electric volatage and vice-versa. A thermoelectric device generates a voltage when the temperature is different on each side. Therefor...

Importance of Biomarkers in Clinical La...

BY MILTON BERTRAND The prevention or diagnosis of disease remains relevant to clinical laboratories. Clinical laboratories are always in search to test for relevant analytes. These biomarkers that are identified and validated though proteomics, metabo...

Mobile technology may help people impro...

Smart phone apps and wearable sensors are promising for improving cardiovascular health behaviors, preliminary data suggest. Self-monitoring is a key facet of changing behavior to prevent and manage heart health. Smartphone apps and wearable sensors ha...

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