
igeazle portable/travel desk
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  • Sleep may strengthen long-term memories in the immune system

    More than a century ago, scientists demonstrated that sleep supports the retention of memories of facts and events. Later studies have shown that slow-wave sleep, often referred to as deep sleep, is important for transforming fragile, recently formed m...
  • Climbing a tree can improve cognitive skills, researchers say

    Climbing a tree and balancing on a beam can dramatically improve cognitive skills, according to a study. The findings suggest working memory improvements can be made in just a couple of hours of these types of physical exercises.
  • Cognitive offloading: Is the Internet harming our memory?

    Our increasing reliance on the Internet and the ease of access to the vast resource available online is affecting our thought processes for problem solving, recall and learning. In a new article, researchers have found that 'cognitive offloading', or the...  more