
igeazle portable/travel desk
It can be used in a variety of settings; its applications are endless.

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  • New findings may provide opportunity to develop new drugs to fight MRSA

    A serious and sometimes fatal bacterial infection, known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), may soon be beatable thanks to the efforts of University of South Florida scientists who have isolated and tested an extract from a sponge f...
  • Expand Your Audience

    It is important to use interest based platform to expand your audience. If you use social media like Facebook, Twitter, or any other platforms, you come to realize that the feeds saturate fairly quickly with mainstream stories. In so doing, these platf...
  • Genetic links to educational attainment identified

    Researchers have identified 74 areas of the human genome associated with educational attainment. It is well known that social and other environmental factors influence education, but these findings suggest that large genetics analyses may be able to help...  more
  • Scientists report that diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reverse the damage caused by fructose in the brain

    Consuming fructose, a sugar that's common in the Western diet, alters hundreds of genes that may be linked to many diseases, scientists report. However, they discovered good news as well: an important omega-3 fatty acid known as DHA seems to reverse the...  more
  • Researchers suggest pollutants in fish inhibit human's natural defense system

    In a new study, environmental pollutants found in fish were shown to obstruct the human body's natural defense system to expel harmful toxins. The research team suggests that this information should be used to better assess the human health risks from...  more
  • FOMO: It's your life you're missing out on

    “You missed out.” Is there another sentence that could strike such anxiety in the hearts of young people? Known as FOMO in millennial-speak, fear of missing out is quickly taking a toll on Generation Y—and it’s probably causing damage to your own life.
  • Study explores carb-loading's effect on the heart

    Drinking a high carbohydrate shake can have an acute and detrimental effect on heart function, a study has found. Researchers studied 33 individuals who were given an acute carbohydrate load in the form of a 264-kilocalorie shake. They studied the...  more
  • Sustained aerobic exercise increases adult neurogenesis in brain

    It may be possible to increase the neuron reserve of the hippocampus – and thus improve preconditions for learning – by promoting neurogenesis via sustained aerobic exercise such as running, say researchers.

    Google is pushing to the next frontier in the race to deliver universal Internet access; Google is testing solar-powered drones capable of beaming high-speed Internet back to Earth.
    According to reports by the Guadian, the secretive project is dubbed ...
  • Texting at night affects teens' sleep, academic performance

    A new study is the first of its kind to link nighttime instant messaging habits of American teenagers to sleep health and school performance. Media use among children of all ages is increasing exponentially; studies have found that children ages 8 to 18...  more