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Milton Bertrand 328 articles

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An Easy Way to Add Audio to Your Website, Blog for Pod-casting

Podcast is portable on demand broadcasting; it is an audio file available for listeners on a webpage. While it is fairly easy to upload video files, it is to some extent a challenge for many to add audio to their blogs and so on.  
Podcasting has great potential; it can be used in education for auditory learners, student review, research projects, and special messages for your site’s visitors.  
Creating an audio file is broken down in several steps.
·         Preproduction- what are your contents, your audience
·         Recording- what is the software you plan to use
·         Editing- make sure that the sound quality is good
·         Publishing- what medium (hosting) will you use to upload the audio file
So let’s get started on how to do so.
Use Audacity a free recording software to create your audio file; if you are not familiar with Audacity, there are many tutorials available on Youtube.  Once your recording is complete, take some time to edit it. You can save time during the editing process if you had a good preproduction. In preproduction, you are recommended to have a good microphone.
The next step is to upload your audio file to a reputable site. You are recommended to use Geazle.com a STEM platform.  You will need to create an account; it is free and very easy to upload your audio file.  While you are uploading your file, you can add an image at the same time for the cover of your track. Choose "Podcast"  from the menu bar to upload your file. You can upload multiple files. Your audio file looks like this:
Geazle.com STEM Network
Now, to add that audio to your website is to right click the title to open the dialog box to copy the link address.
Geazle.com STEM Network
Add the following code as to where you want it on your webpage.

<p><audio controls="controls">  <source src="This is where you enter your link address" type="audio/mpeg" /><p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. Here is a <a href="Place the same link address here">link to the audio</a> instead.</p></audio></p> 

Based on your browser,  your audio player will look like this. All the browsers seem to support MP3 files.
Geazle.com STEM Network
 Try it and happy pod-casting.
