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Milton Bertrand 328 articles

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Blue Origin’s New Shepard space vehicle successfully flew to space and landed back safely to its launching pad

  • Posted by Milton Bertrand
  • November 24, 2015 11:00 PM EST
Blue Origin’s New Shepard space vehicle successfully flew to space and landed back safely to its launching pad

Blue Origin, the space venture founded by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, successfully sent its New Shepard Rocket Ship to a height of nearly 333,000 feet, or about 62 miles in outer space on Monday(11/23/2015). The amazing feat was that every piece was brought back down to Earth for a soft landing. The capsule landed under parachutes on the company's private range in West Texas. 

The other competitor is SpaceX founded by Elon Musk.  The landing is a feat that SpaceX has been trying to achieve lately on a barge. SpaceX has been unsuccessful in two different attempts to land larger and more powerful Falcon 9 rocket boosters on an ocean platform. The company plans to try again on its next launch, perhaps next coming months. According to Blue Origin spokeswoman Jessica Pieczonka, New Shepard is qualified as the “/first fully reusable rocket”

The flight comes after more than a decade of effort and several test flights at Blue Origin’s launch facility near Van Horn, Texas. The company’s headquarter is located in Kent, Washington. The company recently struck a deal for a $200 million launch and manufacturing complex in Florida.
