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What You Should Know About Veterinary Practice

  • February 1, 2020 12:16 PM EST

    Veterinary practice management software has quickly become a need for animal hospitals and veterinary clinics to keep up with the growth in technological advancements in pet care and pet insurance, as well as overall animal population well-being. Veterinary practice solutions simplify the process of managing the practice so that veterinarians can focus on providing optimal care to their patients while avoiding the need to skimp on quality customer service. Some veterinary practice management software are quite comprehensive, providing practices with built-in lab resources and exhaustive treatment management tools. Others are more scaled down, which fit the need of smaller animal clinics.


    When it comes down to it, though, the main guts of a veterinary practice management software are designed to manage patient information, simplify scheduling, ease the necessary accounting and billing responsibilities, and support any clinical communication methods. Ultimately, practice profitability will reap the benefits of an implemented veterinary practice management tool.


    Key Benefits of Veterinary Practice Management Software


    Improved delivery of care

    Reduction of paper records and other inefficient workflow methodologies

    Increase in communication and integration with owners of animals

    Secure and productive data transfer and sharing across clinics

    Why Use Veterinary Practice Management Software?

    Veterinary practice management software equips animal clinics and hospitals with the ability to run their offices smoothly. The options for veterinary practice management run the gamut in features, some more basic and focused in their feature offerings than the more complete ones that can do everything from consolidating patient data to organizing boarding schedules.


    Standard of Care — Veterinary Software assists in recording patient visits and monitoring patient health status. Veterinarians can lean on the data consolidated in a practice management solution to better diagnose patients and recommend treatments.


    Resource Management — Veterinary practices rely on staff scheduling and accurate inventory reporting to provide the best care to their patients. Without a streamlined way of keeping track of, for example, who’s treating whom or which test has been sent to the lab, practices can drown in misplaced or misattributed paperwork. Veterinary practice management alleviates the tediousness of such resources.


    Demand for Animal Care — The demand for animal care has increased via a growing animal population, utilization of pet insurance, and specialized animal services and products. Veterinary practice management software supports practices when they must productively scale to meet that need.


    Who Uses Veterinary Practice Management Software?


    Users of veterinary practice management software range from veterinarians themselves to field technicians, office administrators, and animal owners. The number of veterinary staff also impacts the best utilization of practice management software. However, there are two general end users of veterinary practice management software:


    Veterinary Clinics — A veterinary clinic is a smaller-scale veterinary practice that generally focuses more on preventative care. Clinics tend to have relationships with hospitals, as they usually refer patients to larger animal hospitals for urgent, emergency, or surgical services.


    Animal Hospitals — An animal hospital, also termed veterinary hospital, provides both inpatient and outpatient diagnostics and treatment. Hospitals generally provide fuller service. Animal hospitals usually take care of domestic or domestic-adjacent animals, like horses and farm animals, though some claim that they take care of animals of all sizes and any species.


    Kinds of Veterinary Practice Management Software


    Aside from the different types of veterinary practices that exist (for example, equine, farm animal, and pet clinics all have significantly different clientele), practice management software can either be deployed in an on-premise server on in the cloud. While many veterinary practice management options are turning to the cloud for deployment (for ease of remote access, efficient communication with patients, and centralization of medical data), on-premise solutions continue to exist.


    Server-Based — Server-based software requires installation on a physical server in a single location. Two benefits of on-premise solutions are 1) security over sensitive patient data and 2) the lack of reliance on an internet connection to work. While users do not need to worry about bandwidth limitations of server-based solutions, they do need to consider a specialist to deal with any technical issues or necessary backups that are required of an on-premise software.


    Cloud-Based — Cloud-based software gets rid of the need of a physical server and any maintenance costs that go hand-in-hand with a physical server. Cloud-based software works well with veterinarians who are often traveling or meeting patients outside the office. Veterinarians can easily access and update patient files in real time from wherever they are.


    Veterinary Practice Management Software Features

    Veterinary practice management software helps veterinarians focus on delivering the best care to their patients by streamlining workflows, automating time-consuming tasks like sending out upcoming visit reminders and pulling lab results, and providing crucial data analytics regarding the state of the practice. Common software features include:


    Health Records — Veterinary clinics must effectively manage and reference their patient records. They need to be able to record patient visits, delivery of care, lab test results, and any other patient data. Ease of access also helps veterinarians provide a better level of care to both their patients and their owners.


    Automated Scheduling — Easy online or automated scheduling of patient appointments and veterinary staff benefit both veterinarian staff and clients. Manually scheduling appointments can be prone to human error and miscommunication. The automation of that appointment process results in a reduction of client wait-time and no-shows.


    Billing and Invoicing — For any services rendered, veterinarians must send out invoices and then regularly reconcile any billing. Most veterinary practice management solutions offer built-in invoice and billing management and reporting functionality. If not, then they integrate easily with standard accounting solutions.


    Customer Messaging and Communication — Aside from an easy-to-use appointment scheduling tool, client satisfaction increases when they are able to use a self-service portal to check on health records and their financial history with the practice. Additionally, veterinary practice management can equip veterinarians with methods of client communication, whether that’s a patient-facing portal, email newsletters, or text messaging.


    Reporting — A veterinary practice’s clinical, administrative, and financial operations all benefit from the accurate reporting of its business activities. Veterinary practice management solutions that can generate a variety of reports on the performance of the practice equip the practice with actionable insight. A bonus reporting feature that benefits practices is simplified exporting and importing of data.


    Additional Veterinary Practice Management Features


    Integration with Labs — Lab test queries and results are often used by veterinary practices because veterinarians routinely run tests on their patients. Some practices host basic laboratory facilities, but even those may need to turn to a more comprehensive lab for more complex texts.


    Integration with Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) — Veterinary practices that take X-rays or other digital images of their patients need ways to store them and synchronize them with third-party services when necessary.


    Trends Related to Veterinary Practice Management Software


    The growing competition within the veterinary industry space is resulting in an interesting slew of partnerships between established veterinary software companies. Additionally, software is evolving and offering new, more niche functionalities (like pharmacy management) that had been lacking. A few of the trends happening within the veterinary practice management space are:


    Vet-Specific Pharmacy Management — Previously, when veterinary clinics prescribed medicine and compound drugs to their patients, both veterinarians and patients had to deal with a subpar pharmacy experience that paled in comparison to the kind of service offered to humans. Now, veterinary-specific pharmacy services are cropping up, offering better continuity of care, improved compliance, and increased convenience to clients. Veterinary pharmacy reference (VPR) tools and databases have evolved into existence, providing practices and pharmacies with accurate, up-to-date drug databases.


    Open Data Exchange — The animal industry would benefit from a population health management tool. Veterinary practice management solutions streamline the process of storing and assessing both performance and patient data, and they also promote clinical communication. It makes sense, then, that the next step involves promoting clinical communication across veterinary practices and related services, in order to equip all veterinary practices and animal businesses with critical industry data in, for example, the mapping of chronic diseases.


    Telehealth — Telemedicine is making its presence known in the veterinary industry, both as an alternative to visits from dispatched veterinarians and unnecessary clinic visits.


    Potential Issues with Veterinary Practice Management Software


    Steep Learning Curve — Learning how to best use a newly deployed veterinary practice management solution can be difficult. Veterinarians are extraordinarily busy, and they might already have their own, specific best practices that don’t necessarily line up with any new workflow processes or automation that can result from a new practice management software. Training may be required to ensure that all veterinary staff can best utilize the solution. If not, then they may need to lean on expert customer support. Both training possibilities and customer support options must be considered to make up for any resulting gaps that could potentially bottleneck operations.


    Bulky Transition — Veterinary practices and animal hospitals that had previously been using other practice management systems (or none at all) must reconcile and transfer data when implementing a new system. That requires both an adjustment period for staff as well as a system that’s capable of transferring data smoothly and correctly.


    Technology Updates — The whole point of investing in a veterinary practice management solution is to better anticipate and leverage any new technology that impacts the veterinary industry. If your chosen practice management solution cannot handle or support developments in veterinary software, then it cannot help your business provide your patients and clients satisfaction.

  • November 24, 2020 11:57 PM EST

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