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Wide receiver Adam Thielen was pushing

    • 39 posts
    November 27, 2019 3:57 AM EST

    Washington on Thursday night despite the hamstring injury he suffered against the Lions last Sunday Jonathan Allen Jersey , but his efforts didn’t persuade the Vikings.While Thielen said Wednesday that he still had “another day” to show the team he was well enough to get on the field, the Vikings aren’t going to play the waiting game. They released their final injury report for Thursday’s game on Wednesday afternoon and it shows that Thielen has been ruled out.Assuming Thielen continues to recover without any setbacks, the extended time off before the Vikings head to Kansas City in Week Nine should help the chances that it is a one-game absence for the wideout.The Vikings promoted wideout Davion Davis from the practice squad to go with Stefon Diggs, Olabisi Johnson and Laquon Treadwell.Defensive lineman Jalyn Holmes is the only other player with an injury designation. He’s listed as questionable after missing Wednesday’s practice with an illness. Blunt struggled with being academically ineligible; he is a former safety-turned-undersized-linebacker-turned-safety-again who wasn’t drafted, yet, somehow, he may have a role on the 2019 Redskins"WhiteFanposts Fanshots Sections Looks Like Someone Has A Sixpack Of The MondaysDaily SlopRedskins RecapsEDTJames FitzGeraldShareTweetShareShareCan 2019 UDFA B.J. Blunt help a ‘Skins defense thin at both safety and linebacker?We’re lucky that Hogs Haven prepared a pre-draft profile on B.J. Blunt that was published in late February.Let’s look at some of the highlights from that profile:Bryan ”BJ” Blunt, LB/SCollege: McNeese State | Conference: SouthlandCollege Experience: Senior | Age: 23Height / Weight: 6’0” / 220 lbsProjected Draft Status: 7th Round or UDFANFL Comparison: Malcolm SmithCollege StatisticsPlayer OverviewThis all sounds okay for a UDFA — especially the Defensive Player of the Year and FCS 1st team All-American honors.East-West Shrine GameRed Flag?Pro Day ResultsIt looks like Blunt’s weight is, in fact, up to 220.For what it’s worth, lists him at 6’1” and 220 pounds.It seems that, for the Redskins, his experience at safety and his ‘tweener’ size might actually be positives that could allow the defense to be more ‘multiple’ or flexible.How He Would Fit The RedskinsClick this link to access all 2018 and 2019 Undrafted Free Agent profiles on Hogs HavenJust two weeks ago, published an article about B.J. Blunt, From New Orleans shipyards to NFL minicamp, BJ Blunt plans to ‘do it right the first time’.Joining the RedskinsA rocky start to his college careeerGarden City Community CollegeMcNeese StateWell Charles Mann Jersey , I’m intrigued.Unlike, say, Stanford Graduate Bryce Love, Blunt doesn’t sound like a natural student, but perhaps he is a natural athlete.Still, he wasn’t drafted; he’s got questionable size for a linebacker - a position he played only as a junior; he is already 23 years old.Is this guy really a good fit for the Redskins?To get some insight into B.J. Blunt as a player on the field, and to get some clarity about his postion, I turn again this week to James FitzGerald.James FitzGerald (@GMDfitz7765) is a former college player, high school coach, and an avid college football fan who has spent hours in the film room watching opponents and his own teams. His analytical skill adds depth to these profiles that I can’t supply on my own.He seems to be rather positive about Blunt, and his possible career as a Redskin.Fitz’s film reviewFilm Watched: Northwestern State University v. Mcneese State.BYUMultiple highlight reels B.J. Blunt was the leader on his college team defense; he was the one making the calls on defense and communicating with his teammates. Focusing on his individual play, Blunt has good vision and a nose for the ball. He can find the ball carrier and move toward him with great efficiency. He also takes great angles toward the ball carrier to get there as quickly as possible.In pass defense, his coverage skills are adequate; I won’t say he is excellent in coverage, but he is good enough in both man and zone defenses. One thing that stands out about Blunt is his game speed. I was surprised, watching his film, at how quickly he closes in on a ball carrier. He uses his acceleration to close in and make play after play.He also has a very high motor Colt McCoy Jersey , always trying to make a play even when he is out of it. This kind of energy and hard work can make him a playmaker on defense. B.J. Blunt has potential to be a great tackler. At times, he demonstrates great form tackling the ball carrier, and he hits hard. However, Blunt too often goes for ‘shoe lace’ tackles or arm tackles. If he attempts do that in the NFL, he will miss a lot. This is probably a trait that can be coached out of him.Blunt also tends to avoid blocks rather than shedding them, which means that it takes him longer to get to the ball carrier. He likely does this because he is actually poor at shedding blocks. He is small for an inside linebacker and he does often get swallowed up by opposing lineman, so he has trouble shaking the block and then successfully pursuing the ball carrier. As a pass rusher, B.J. relies on his speed. He will need to work on a few pass rush moves in order to make a difference in the pass rush at the NFL level. How would he fit with the Redskins? BJ Blunt is a good all-around player. He played special teams, inside linebacker, outside linebacker, and safety in college. He did play in the FCS and NJCAA, so his production might be exaggerated due to playing against lower level competition. He will play inside linebacker with the Redskins because he isn’t fast enough to play safety in the NFL; I believe it’s why he was forced to change position at McNeese State. However, his high motor, vision, and linebacker mentality will make him a candidate for a backup linebacker role. Blunt played a lot of special teams in college and that is important for a UDFA trying to make the team. I predict that he will be a special teams contributor and a role player on defense with a lot of growth potential.


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