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RuneScape - Please do something with Slayer

    • 23 posts
    May 31, 2019 2:09 AM EDT

    I acclimated to adulation this skill, but i bound accomplished how banal and arid it became. Actuality is few things i animosity about accepted accompaniment of slayer.

    1. Simplification/Removal of altered mechanics

    Many monsters acquire been angry from appealing alarming enemies to boodle pinatas. Worst offenders:

    - You just put on Apache Helmet and you about-face like 6 altered monsters to goblin-like dummies while aswell accepting added damage/acc.

    - You alcohol Wyrmfire and you about-face Dragons and Wyverns to active canines.

    - You acquirement quick annihilation OR bead your wallet on Allegorical pet and you blab Gargoyles, Slugs and Lizards.

    - You put Venomblood on your armor and you don't acquire to affliction about poisons.

    - Abounding mechanics can be in actuality bypassed due to low monster hp / academy player's damage. Strykewyrms couch complete rarely, Celestials Dragons about never amaze etc.

    2. Apache tasks

    The monster basin offered by Apache Masters is bound and with VIP tickets, prefer/block list, monster helmets, apache cape and assignment abandoning your attainable assignment account has like 4-5 monsters in it. Because of this apache boils down to killing the aforementioned accepting over and over as a lot of players acquire the easiest and a lot of assisting monsters about (Abyssal Demons, Gargoyles, Dark Beasts etc.).

    Furthermore the tasks themselves accomplish little sense. Lore-wise the Apache Masters plan as citizenry ascendancy for alarming breed of monsters. That's why they're allotment authentic bulk of creatures - to beforehand antithesis amid bottleneck and extinction. With all the rerolling, preferring and blocking tasks Apache Masters lose faculty and the amateur is acclimatized to what he wants.

    3. The amaranthine grind

    Addition of Adrenaline potions, Amateur endemic alcove and simple admission to AoE abilities fabricated Apache abundant added about cutting and AFK rather than complete slaying. As a aftereffect bead ante on added contempo monsters are counterbalanced about 1000 or added monsters asleep per hour, while earlier ones action way too top gold/xp rates.

    4. Future?

    I'd in actuality adulation to see some affectionate of fix to these issues. Authoritative apache added assorted and revisiting drops/level requirements would be great. Actuality are some account how to accomplish Apache added contemporary & beforehand the gameplay.

    - Buffed low-level apache monster drops or abacus abundant stronger variations. Something like Cave Horrors/Unspeakable Horrors. I'd adulation to see top akin Bug Swarms, Wall Beasts and Mogres for example.

    - Elites/Bosses acute able apache accessories (so face affectation for Dust Devil, Apache Helmet will not cut it) but aswell adeptness to attenuate breeding of Elites/Bosses.

    - Assorted tasks, not just "kill 1912 chickens". Special Assignments are abundant and we charge added of it. Something like "kill X until Aristocratic spawns, annihilate it to complete the task".

    - Specialist Apache masters. Mandrith is amazing, and we charge added masters like him. Sumona could be abundant as she's in actuality aggravating to annihilate you. She could be reworked to accord abandoned the arch enemies attainable but in baby numbers or maybe abandoned Desert monsters.

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  • August 2, 2019 10:14 AM EDT

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