Network with peers

How do we find what we are looking for on the internet using a smart phone or a laptop? These are all dependent on proprietary algorithms developed by STEM related individuals. The effects have been mind boggling. Of course, many do not realize that. The point is to create a STEM community that will articulate these so that many come to appreciate and have a better understanding of the STEM fields. The interconnections of these disciplines are essentials for a modern society. A great example is the Google map that many of us come to rely on to find places, directions. That is a striking example of mathematical equations hidden tools of our imaginations in action which uses advanced imaging algorithms. STEM individuals touch every angle of our lives at work, at home and in our sophisticated affairs everywhere else. The design of our bridges, the invention of our medicines, the architectural creation of our buildings, the development of the internet, and many more involve STEM workers.  Because of the key role STEM workers play in our lives, it is imperative to have a STEM community. Viva STEM fields for a better tomorrow!