
igeazle portable/travel desk
It can be used in a variety of settings; its applications are endless.

Technology Articles

  • Pyramid Principles of Virtual Reality Teleportation

    Good virtual reality situation (data) and fromComplete data statements (data) and fromChannels transport to and from state (virtual reality)Check the accuracy of previous
    Picture here. 
  • After Black Hole we have... a transreseiver

    What is aftrer Black Hole?We dont know Yet...But if we will put a a transreseiver ,data from the "end" of Black Hole will come to us.
    Picture 1 
  • Telecom Table

    A special transmitter fitted with a touchscreen TFT Touch Screen at your table, allowing you to type your preferred menu. Then through a wireless coupling, the transmitter sends information (electromagnetic waves) to the receiver of a TFT screen instal...