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Deadly MERS-CoV arrives in the USA

By MILTON BERTRAND On May 2, 2014 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has confirmed the first case of the deadly Middle East Repiratory Syndrome Coronavirus also known as MERS-CoV in the United States. MERS-CoV has caused severe illness and de...

Graphene looks promising as a flexible,...

New research suggests that graphene-treated nanowires could soon replace current touchscreen technology, significantly reducing production costs and allowing for more affordable, flexible displays.

Air Pollution Suggests We Are Not Alone...

"Earthlings often wonder if life exists on other planets, and researchers said Wednesday that hunting for traces of pollution from distant worlds could provide the answer.  Under certain conditions, astronomers in the next decade might be able to...

What is a Germ? What is a Virus? Do ger...

Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895), was made famous for his germ theory. But why was the research of Antoine Bechamp (1816 – 1908), shoved under the carpet? Bechamp discovered that germs are not the primary cause of disease, but in fact, a seconda...

A Perfect Model For Human Health Is Bei...

"Earlier this month, Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin expressed their reservations about entering the health-care industry, a space so heavily regulated “it’s just a painful business to be in,” Brin said at the time....

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