
igeazle portable/travel desk
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Showing articles posted using tag #bacteria (x)
  • Be Aware of Artificial sweeteners

    According to a collaborative research study published by the American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, six artificial sweeteners indicate relative toxicity (aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, neotame, advantame, and acesulfame potass...
  • New biosensors for managing microbial 'workers'

    New biosensors enable scientists to more effectively control and 'communicate with' engineered bacteria.

    New biosensors have been developed that could improve control and complexity of metabolically engineered microbes, bringing us one step closer to a...  more
  • Scientific breakthrough will help design antibiotics of the future

    Computer simulations have been used to show how bacteria are able to destroy antibiotics -- a breakthrough which will help develop drugs which can effectively tackle infections in the future.
  • Brain Fogginess, Gas and Bloating Are Linked to the use of Probiotic and Metabolic Acidosis

    Probiotic use can result in a significant accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine that can result in disorienting brain fogginess as well as rapid, significant belly bloating, investigators report. Source:
    Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
  • Mom’s Microbiome and Autism Risk

    The microbiome is the collection of microorganisms that naturally live inside us. The microbiome has vital importance to good health. According to a new publication by researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, autism risk is determi...
  • Triclosan and Antibiotic Resistance

    By Milton Bertrand
    Triclosan is a common ingredient that is added to more than 2000 personal care products. It is intended to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. These products include toothpaste, hand wash, deodorants, mouthwashes, ...
  • Vitamin D improves gut flora and metabolic syndrome

    A high fat diet alone is not enough to cause metabolic syndrome, a group of symptoms that pose as risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. This recent study shows it is needed in combination with vitamin D deficiency. Accordingly, vitamin D...  more
  • Precut salad may encourage growth of Salmonella

    Small amounts of damage to salad leaves in bagged salads encourage the presence of Salmonella enterica, new research has found. Juices released from damaged leaves also enhance the pathogen’s ability to attach to the salad’s plastic container.
  • Researchers debunk 'five-second rule': Eating food off the floor isn't safe

    Turns out bacteria may transfer to candy that has fallen on the floor no matter how fast you pick it up. Rutgers researchers have disproven the widely accepted notion that it's OK to scoop up food and eat it within a 'safe' five-second window.