
igeazle portable/travel desk
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Health & Medicine Articles

  • Microline Hair Integration Toppers

    Dallas Hair Loss Solutions | Women's Hair Replacement | Hairdreams Microlines Hair Integration | Zoyag: | Microline Hair Integration Toppers | Whether you’re suffering from temporary hair loss, trichotillomania, or a medical or hereditary conditi...
  • Autism Care Center San Diego

    ABA Clinics/Behavior Specialist for Toddlers | ABA Therapy Session At Home | Autism Care Center San Diego | If you’re in San Diego and searching for “ABA family therapy clinics near me” or wondering how to get in home ABA therapy, ABS...
  • Brain Fogginess, Gas and Bloating Are Linked to the use of Probiotic and Metabolic Acidosis

    Probiotic use can result in a significant accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine that can result in disorienting brain fogginess as well as rapid, significant belly bloating, investigators report. Source:
    Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
  • Mom’s Microbiome and Autism Risk

    The microbiome is the collection of microorganisms that naturally live inside us. The microbiome has vital importance to good health. According to a new publication by researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, autism risk is determi...
  • Coffee Protects the Heart with the Help of Mitochondria

    By Milton Bertrand
    Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world; it is estimated with a yearly world average consumption of 1.1 kg per capita, which reaches 4.5 kg in industrialized countries [1]. More recently, caffeine consumptio...
  • Triclosan and Antibiotic Resistance

    By Milton Bertrand
    Triclosan is a common ingredient that is added to more than 2000 personal care products. It is intended to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. These products include toothpaste, hand wash, deodorants, mouthwashes, ...
  • Drinking Coffee Has Great Health Benefits

    According to scientific researchers, drinking coffee is "more likely to benefit health than to harm it" for a range of health outcomes.  

    They bring together evidence from over 200 studies and find that drinking three to four cups of coffe...
  • Antimicrobials exposure during development may cause irreversible outcomes

    Exposure to environmental levels of triclocarban (TCC), an antibacterial chemical common in personal care products like soaps and lotions as well as in the medical field, can transfer from mother to offspring and interfere with lipid metabolism, new research shows.
  • Rush hour pollution may be more dangerous than you think

    Everyone knows that exposure to pollution during rush hour traffic can be hazardous to your health, but it's even worse than previously thought. In-car measurements of pollutants that cause oxidative stress found exposure levels for drivers to be twice...  more
  • Your waistline in the 24/7 culture of the modern world

    According to a new research presented at the European Congress of Endocrinology in Lisbon, sleep loss increases the risk of obesity through a combination of effects on energy metabolism. This research highlights how disrupted sleep patterns a common fe...